OpenStack News & Updates



  • Cloud Security: Private vs. Public

    Cloud Security: Private vs. Public

    February 13, 2019

    Cloud security is one of the most inquired-about aspects of cloud computing in both public and private realms. Read on to learn more.

  • Continuous Integration, Delivery & Deployment, Explained

    Continuous Integration, Delivery & Deployment, Explained

    February 11, 2019

    Having effective operating principles and practices for software developments and releases is vital for your team and customers. Check out how continuous integration tools like OpenStack ZUUL, continuous delivery and continuous deployment can help!

  • Deep Dive into Serverless

    Deep Dive into Serverless

    February 8, 2019

    With all the buzz around serverless, we're diving into what you may have heard and shedding light on what you haven't!

  • Bare-Metal vs Virtual Machines

    Bare-Metal vs Virtual Machines

    February 6, 2019

    Bare metal and virtual machines - which one is better? Get to know the differences between the two and determine what suits your needs!

  • Deep Dive on VEXXHOST's Virtual Machines

    Deep Dive on VEXXHOST's Virtual Machines

    February 4, 2019

    Virtual machines offer many applications and benefits within cloud computing. Find out how VEXXHOST ensures you're getting the most out of our VMs!