OpenStack News & Updates



  • How Cloud Technology Is Impacting Air Transport

    How Cloud Technology Is Impacting Air Transport

    February 19, 2020

    Air transport has a lot more to do with the cloud than just soaring above them. Cloud technology is impacting air transport and revolutionizing the way individuals travel.

  • The Future Of Agriculture In The Cloud

    The Future Of Agriculture In The Cloud

    February 18, 2020

    To better understand how the cloud is shaping modern agriculture we need to dive into how innovations in this industry are being influenced by the cloud.

  • Improving Transport: A Cloud Powered Automotive Industry

    Improving Transport: A Cloud Powered Automotive Industry

    February 17, 2020

    From suppliers to automakers, dealers, and consumers, the impact of cloud technology in the automobile sector is evident. Interested in learning more? Let's take a look at how cloud computing is impacting the various sectors within the cloud powered automotive industry.

  • 5G - Bringing Cloud Computing to Everyone

    5G - Bringing Cloud Computing to Everyone

    February 13, 2020

    5G is all set to transform connectivity for all, bringing about unprecedented changes to cloud computing and giving everyone access to the cloud!

  • The Future is Multicloud

    The Future is Multicloud

    February 11, 2020

    Multicloud strategy helps organizations mitigate risk cost-effectively. Learn how you can empower your business through this cloud strategy.