OpenStack News & Updates



  • Security Myths In The Cloud

    Security Myths In The Cloud

    Security myths arise when newsworthy data breaches occur, read along to bust these common misconceptions and know more about a secure cloud.

  • 3 Data Center Trends To Watch Out For In 2020

    3 Data Center Trends To Watch Out For In 2020

    Let's take a look at some of the data center trends that your organization needs to be watching out for in 2020. From a stronger emphasis on sustainability to high deployment speeds and ever-growing security, data centers are a unique resource for your enterprise's IT operations.

  • What Is Kubernetes Operator?

    What Is Kubernetes Operator?

    A Kubernetes operator is an operator that is used as a method of building and driving an application on top of Kubernetes. You can easily use Kubernetes tools to help you solve the problem of a complex application.

  • Chasing Away Kubernetes DaemonSet Issues with Prometheus & AlertManager

    Chasing Away Kubernetes DaemonSet Issues with Prometheus & AlertManager

    Are your pods up, running, and functional, but have Ready statuses that aren't True? Learn how you can figure out which pods are affected with Prometheus and AlertManager, so that you don't alert DaemonSet .

  • What is Kubernetes Ingress?

    What is Kubernetes Ingress?

    Tackling the big questions around the worker machine in Kubernetes, ingress. From what it is to its types to set of rules involved, know it all!

  • Public Cloud Migration Best Practices

    Public Cloud Migration Best Practices

    Migrating to a public cloud takes expertise to ensure that it is a frictionless experience. Follow these public cloud migration best practices and you'll be well equipped to take on any challenges along the way.

  • Let's Talk Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

    Let's Talk Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

    It's time to have a new perspective on software development, from a stronger focus on automation and better collaboration, so we need to talk about Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment.

  • Troubleshooting DNS Issues within Kubernetes Clusters

    Troubleshooting DNS Issues within Kubernetes Clusters

    Learn how you can troubleshoot DNS issues within Kubernetes clusters along with some great pointers on the way. Read on to learn more.

  • Kubernetes Pods Explained

    Kubernetes Pods Explained

    As Kubernetes continues to become the new standard for deployment and management of software in the cloud it's important to understand the role of the software. Today we will be reviewing the types and lifecycle phases of Kubernetes pods.

  • Top 4 Challenges Of Public Cloud Migration

    Top 4 Challenges Of Public Cloud Migration

    Migrating to an OpenStack public cloud is easy if you have the right provider. VEXXHOST offers competitive pricing, downtime management, and other benefits to help you tackle the challenges of public cloud migration head-on.