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Brand new, much more user friendly, PHP configuration manager

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

The PHP configuration feature, exclusive to vexxhost web hosting clients that use our shared web hos...

The PHP configuration feature, exclusive to vexxhost web hosting clients that use our shared web hosting or reseller web hosting services, allows you to modify any PHP settings, enable or disable modules such as Zend, IonCube, FFMPEG-PHP or phpShield. This allowed our clients to configure their websites instantly without having to go through the mess of going through php.ini files.

After hours and hours of designing and implementation, we are pleased to finally announce our new PHP configuration utility. Most of our clients found our previous PHP configuration utility to be very helpful and useful. However, the user interface was not very user friendly and it was hard to understand.

We have listened to all of our customer's suggestions and now we have implemented the new system in all of our servers, as you may see, it's a two-step process that happens all on one page. First of all, you select the directory to be configured from the left of the page, after you have selected the directory; all you do is click "Configure". The system will contact our servers and verify your settings, and then it will display it for you, you may make any modifications you want and after you're done, you click "Rebuild configuration" at the end of the page.

The new system is now very easy to use comparing to the previous one specially in pointing to directory because a drop down menu was not very user intuitive and not easy to understand, the new structured directory listing will help clear this up even more and not having to refresh the page every time you select a directory which will save bandwidth as well as make everything load faster.

This new system uses the latest AJAX technologies to get your configuration instantly from the server using JSON. This new system is just part of the upcoming new features that we're giving a complete update to.

We are pleased to announce those new features and make sure our clients enjoy our high quality web hosting, yet very efficient cloud computing service. We have introduced more features on our services without increasing the prices. By upgrading all of our hardware to latest Xeon CPUs, upgrading RAM and ensuring most of ours servers have plenty of it at all times, implementation of RAID systems to ensure redundancy and speed, being one of the first in the industry to add R1soft CDP backup features, the recent introduction of our SiteBuilder, and another vexxhost web hosting client exclusive, InstantVideo Installer.

You can read more about custom PHP configuration cPanel.

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Brand new, much more user friendly, PHP configuration manager | VEXXHOST