OpenStack News & Updates
Kubernetes Vs. Docker Swarm: A Comparison of Containerization Platforms
August 31, 2017
Container orchestration is fast evolving and Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are the two major players in this field. Read more.
Introducing - Kubernetes
August 25, 2017
An introductory article about Kubernetes, its architecture components, and its benefits.
Launching: New Container Services Featuring Kubernetes
August 23, 2017
Today, we're announcing that we are adding a new managed container service to our list of cloud services.
Introducing: Load Balancers
August 7, 2017
We're happy to announce that we have launched our load balancers service today. Read the introduction post about the addition of the new traffic management tool.
Getting to know the VEXXHOST CloudConsole
July 28, 2017
In this post, we briefly overview the CloudConsole along with some of its benefits and functionalities.
More about Private Cloud.
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