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Cloud BPM For A Healthy Digital Workspace

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Cloud technology would be a game-changer in your BPM strategy. It's more than just another upgrade, it's about innovating the way you do business at its very core. Read More

The stats speak for themselves; nearly 96% of modern businesses now use cloud computing in some form or fashion. This growth has especially been unprecedented in the last five years. As more companies are looking to move their operations into the cloud, migration of business process management software is the next logical choice that businesses must cater to. This post will throw light on the most important reasons you should consider using a BPM cloud solution.


As they grow in size and scope, many data-heavy companies discover that on-premises solutions and legacy infrastructure don't scale very easily. Buying extra hardware to support the increased usage and data storage usually puts a considerable dent in the capital reserves when your operations grow.

Installations on the premises also require an on-site team to be present 24x7 to monitor and manage them. Additionally, on-the-premise installations require constant and streamlined communication with the BPM support staff in order to drive upgrades. Unless this in-house staff has a high level of technical expertise, these projects can be risky and cost more when outsourced or consulted through a third party. All the above points form a vicious circle of continuous spends taking up valuable time, money and resources. This can prove to be a significant investment, particularly if your business isn't an IT focussed organization.

On the other hand, cloud solutions support a multi-tenancy environment without infusing extra overhead costs. Having all the infrastructure located off-site under the ownership of a third party can help the cloud platform grow as the usage or data storage needs increase without purchasing additional hardware.


Cloud BPM providers help you scale up and take care of all the maintenance activities. Being subject matter experts in the domain helps them to keep downtime or related outages at a minimum.

Advanced monitoring and management capabilities native in a hosted cloud allow operations to remain consistent, even during peak usage. The cloud support staff successfully manages upgrades in tandem with the clients' requirements and needs, and hence transitions are seamless and smoother. In short, by redirecting energy away from these short-term troubleshooting and firefighting efforts, resident IT staff can utilize their time and efforts to tackle long-term strategic projects that add value to the business in the long term.


Cloud BPM solutions help businesses usher in the new age of mobility and portability by allowing relevant stakeholders to access your organizational systems and interfaces from virtually anywhere, anytime. Most cloud BPM solutions can be accessed through a browser on any device, including smartphones and tablets. It is noteworthy that companies can also save money by using a cloud BPM application because the vendor takes the burden of installing upgrades and running security patches. This practice also ensures that no more time and resources are spent on performing manual installations of every machine's software. Data entries save automatically on the remote server in the cloud. There are zero chances of loss of work because of unsaved data or crash on the local machine.


Legacy on-premises BPM platforms are traditionally tied to a few rigid processes which are challenging to modify or cannot be changed. They usually don't readily integrate with other software in your organizational workflow. BPM platforms hosted on the cloud are relatively low-code, so your organization now has more versatility to adjust processes as business needs change, mature and evolve over time. The increased agility and flexibility allow businesses to experiment and deploy process strategies in a matter of weeks, hence considerably shortening the overall deployment lead time.


Another interesting thing to note is that cloud BPM solutions are more agile than legacy systems. They also provide the functionality to connect to other software tools through endpoints. This technology shift helps recover a company's return on investment for both the BPM platform and third-party software tools. With stable associations between diverse applications, your company can integrate features from your BPM program into other applications, and vice versa.


On-premises data security can be a daunting responsibility, especially for organizations without a great deal of cybersecurity awareness. If you encounter a data breach, your security team is wholly liable for closing the exposure to sensitive data and working with risk management and legal to address potential privacy ordinance concerns. When data is in the cloud, the hosting vendor is responsible for securing your data. They have large teams of engineers and resources explicitly dedicated to thwarting security infringements. Alongside server hosting expenses, these data security services develop at a minimal cost while also remaining compliant with all applicable laws and statutes.


Cloud BPM deployment benefits are apparent from improved agility, flexible scalability, and better data security. You know that security has to be at the forefront of your cloud computing solution. Best practices can make all the difference. But what do you do if/when disaster strikes? You need a disaster recovery plan to increase your overall cyber resilience.

Three of the most common and critical mistakes made usually involve mixing up disaster recovery, high availability and fault tolerance. You should never think that your infrastructure is immune to failure. Disaster recovery is two words that you hope to never need to hear, but you need to have a plan in place to ensure that your cloud solution is cyber resilient and tailored to be responsive to the business needs of all applications.

Be Modern In Your Approach To Cloud Technology

Cloud technology plays a critical role in optimizing IT. It allows businesses to perform at their best at a cost-effective price. Not to mention the added benefits of strong security, agility, and flexibility. From improved UX to zero downtime, utilizing customizable infrastructure is something that will help set your organization or business apart from the rest. All you need is an all-inclusive environment right at your fingertips.

Find a solution that takes the guesswork out of cloud technology. From continuous upgrades and support, high availability and constant monitoring, there is a unique cloud solution to suit your needs. No matter how big or small your business is.

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