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4 Ways To Maintain Edge Security

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Maintaining security in an edge computing environment is no easy feat. Check out some best practices of edge security to make your network safe.

In the era of pervasive cloud computing, edge computing is now a well-known part of modern IT architecture. The widespread connectivity of cloud edge computing opens up new concerns about visibility and control. The area covered for security is far more than that of a single cloud environment.

Edge security is about redefining enterprise and user security in this world vastly connected by the cloud.

Understanding Edge Security

Edge security is decentralized security. Each device or sensor on the edge network has its risks and vulnerabilities. They also have dedicated security measures. These measures do not necessarily have linkage to that of a primary cloud environment or data center.

Edge computing's nature is the leading cause of security concerns, but there might be a hidden security benefit. The idea behind edge computing is that data travels short distances for processing. Thus, fewer interception threats at points of data transmissions. As more and more data resides on the edge of the network, the central data centers are less likely to face security issues. Therefore, keeping core operating systems safe and sound.

Best Practices

Edge security involves more than the details mentioned above. Every device acts as a door to the edge network and hence, needs to be completely secured.

The benefit mentioned above comes with a wide array of security challenges. Tackling these hurdles first-hand should be a priority for all. Every member of the network has to implement some best practices to maintain edge security, such as:

End to end encryption and perimeter security:

Implementing encryption is essential for a secure edge network. All devices at the edge perimeter need to be made safe with encryption keys and strong passwords. Same goes for the applications within, encryption of all data is a must.

Encryption is not the only way to secure the perimeter of the cloud edge network. Additional steps, such as firewall and access control, become significant as an extra line of defence. Biometrics like fingerprints, retina recognition are some of the ways to manage access to data.

Threat detection and prevention:

The organization operating the edge cloud needs to have in place a standardized method to detect potential threats. Documentation of all steps is necessary with follow-ups for timely risk assessment. Furthermore, preventive measures go a long way in security protocol. Real-time monitoring and alert systems will not only detect threats beforehand but also keep them at bay.

Additionally, a backup plan is never a bad idea, especially in the case of security concerns. Ensuring absolute security of your edge network requires a robust data backup system.

Patching Cycles:

Update of all devices and sensors that are part of the edge computing network should take place at regular intervals. Keeping the devices abreast with the latest security updates and bug fixes is a significant measure of maintaining security. Looking into the weakest link from time to time and hardening them better prepares them to handle breaches.

Vulnerability Management:

Decision-makers need to be active participants in the security protocol as well. They must exercise control when it comes to keeping track of the different security measures in place. Furthermore, real-time monitoring helps keep an eye out for vulnerabilities.

OpenStack for Edge Security

The building blocks to create edge deployments for OpenStack are already available. As the opensource project already has a vast global footprint, edge computing is the way forward. Moreover, OpenStack itself would have some key security measures that can further enhance a cloud edge environment.

If you are operating within an OpenStack cloud, VEXXHOST can guide you in making the most of edge computing opportunities. If you currently work in an edge environment, VEXXHOST can help you determine what OpenStack has to offer for you. Check out our OpenStack Consulting solution to discuss your future with OpenStack in more detail.

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4 Ways To Maintain Edge Security | VEXXHOST