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Installing WordPress 2.5 on WordPress hosting

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

WordPress is one of the class leading blogs and the one of the most used from personal to enterprise...

WordPress is one of the class leading blogs and the one of the most used from personal to enterprise size blogs, proved stability by hosting popular blogs for even automotive manufacturers, most of the people enjoy the facility of the administrator control panel however the installation process behind it is slighty complicated however it depends on what type of hosting do you have.

VEXXHOST WordPress hosting

All of our plans include Fantastico, so instead of going through this whole document in the pain of installing WordPress it, all you need to do is enter Softaculous from your control panel in cPanel, click on “WordPress”, insert the path you want it installed, the username and password for the administrator panel and you're ready and good to go

Other web hosting platforms

  1. Head to the WordPress website page and click on “Download”, it should download a ZIP file that you will place somewhere on your hard disk and unzip it, you'll have a bunch of folders and files starting with wp.
  2. Upload the extracted folderto your account, you should usually check with your provider's control panel as there are different ways to login via FTP, we cannot go in detail about every single control panel out there however asking your support staff should help you. A free and good FTP client is SmartFTP at
  3. Create a new clean MySQL database, again this is something that is control panel specific, the procedure is very different from control panel to control panel however in cPanel, it is the easiest to be done using a Wizard, more information and a video tutorial is included here, — Make sure you get a MySQL username, password and database name to continue our installation.
  4. Rename the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php and replace the fields for it to appear something like the following. Most of the time, you will not need to modify your DB_HOST unless your hosts tell you too, after uploading the renamed wp-config.php file into the main root directory of your hosting, simply go to where dir is the directory you uploaded WordPress to, if you uploaded it to the root directory of your account, then simply go to and following the instructions.

define('DB_NAME', 'putyourdbnamehere'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'usernamehere'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'yourpasswordhere'); // ...and password


That's basically it for installing WordPress on your web hosting, as you can see the method is a lot easier when using Softaculous with our affordable web hosting platform, happy blogging!

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