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Have Public Clouds become as secure as Private ones?

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

There is a lot of apprehension about security when talking about Public Cloud. Read more about the steps taken to subdue these concerns.

Public clouds may be seen as insecure by many people, however security for these platforms has improved tremendously. When working with a public cloud, even OpenStack public clouds, there is a specialised team behind the public clouds which ensures that the company's information is always safe and up to date. Due to this being a core element of their business, they are highly knowledgeable and have numerous years of experience on the topic.

The cloud vendors recruit the top talent and have numerous amount of resources to have the best security tools available. Furthermore, the public clouds are put through regular penetration testing to ensure that all the data is secure which is something private clouds do not go through. Public clouds have become a lot more secure than companies having on-site computing system.

From a security standpoint, it would not be appropriate to group all of the different organizations that offer public computing. The cloud providers spend a great deal of time ensuring that security is one of the main components that is focused on when building the infrastructure for the public clouds. All of the companies data still remains separate from others ensuring it's security. Furthermore, the Canadian government has established regulations in order to keep the population's information secure. Under the PIPEDA requirements, organizations are required to ensure that a level of protection is provided for the information.

Data center security can be divided into two components physical security and software security. Access to a data center is very limited and there are many steps to go through in order to gain access to one. In addition, a security information and event management tool (SIEM) helps control all of the access to the systems. Therefore, even when a business is using a public cloud their information is extremely secure. For example, VEXXHOST has a SSAE-16 facility that undergoes yearly SOC Type 2 audits and has a security staff on-site 24/7/365. Also, if anybody wants to gain access they have to go through either a biometric or physical access controls and there is continuous monitoring via HD security cameras. This makes gaining access to the data extremely difficult.

Have Public Clouds become as secure as Private ones?

Some companies that use public cloud computing are Pinterest, Netflix and Instagram before it was bought by Facebook. These corporations are using public clouds due to the numerous benefits such as the easy set up, it being cost effective as well as being able to scale their business. Also, this helps them focus on the core competency of their business without worrying about having to run an IT department. These companies depend on the security of their cloud in order to keep all of their user information safe. The cost of a breach in security can have severe consequences on their revenue streams.

Determining the security of software for different industries is a challenge; however, OpenStack is becoming a leader in security when providing public cloud computing. The foundation has been awarded the Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices badge which is given to a company that develops criteria and validates open source projects meeting best practices for security, quality and stability.

One of their newest Train software has led to a collaborative effort between OpenStack and the third parties in order to let their customers experience it. There are 3 different ways that this software can benefit your business:

1- Enhanced security and data protection

2- Advancements for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) use cases

3- Improves resource management and tracking

VEXXHOST can provide you with the option to seamlessly integrate various OpenStack projects to better meet your business requirements. Some of these can include compute & network, storage, shared services, containers, orchestration and workload provisioning.

If you are interested in learning more about Public Cloud or would like more information sign up now!

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