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What Business Applications Gain from 5G & Edge Computing

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Business applications across industries are seeing a significant transformation with the arrival and combination of 5G & edge computing. Read more.

Enterprises large and small developed business applications to make production and service within the organization more efficient and effective. Over the years, these applications and software have adopted various technologies into them to keep up with the times and drive businesses toward the future. With the arrival and combination of 5G & edge computing to the fore, business applications see a significant transformation. Here is a brief look at what these changes entail.

The Combination of Edge Computing & 5G

When edge computing started gaining popularity, it was seen as a way to diversify the centralized storage model of cloud computing and taking processing to the edges. But, since the data still had to be transmitted back and forth and previously existing connection models had the problem of lower latency, often making their efficiency questionable. Enter 5G.

5G technology reduces latency to levels that can be called real-time. The latency level of 3G is averaged at 100 milliseconds; with 4G it is about 30 milliseconds, and with 5G, it is as low as 1 millisecond. With such low latency, 5G becomes an ideal companion for edge devices.

Indeed, much of the innovations and discussions regarding 5G & edge computing as a combined tour de force have been directed towards areas such as robotics, autonomous vehicle industry, AR & VR, etc. Many experts believe that there are far-reaching applications and benefits to be derived from these technologies in various other avenues. Business applications are one such avenue.

Edge & 5G Boosting Business Applications

When the processing capabilities of edge computing and the speed of 5G are combined, the natural choice is to focus on business applications that call for low latency. Earlier mentioned technologies such as AR & VR, robotics, etc., require such fast decisions, and that's why they were the primary use cases. For business apps, the major use cases are:

  • Industries with capital-intensive assets . industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, etc., use 5G & Edge to handle maintenance and repairs. They also use tools such as advanced drones, AR & VR, etc., for the tasks.
  • Condition-based monitoring . utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to monitor functional parameters of machines.
  • Video analytics for surveillance and real-time advice . real-time monitoring and processing of information to ensure authenticity and help decision making
  • Real-time process optimization . particularity in manufacturing facilities. Data from connected equipment can assess each other to increase efficiency and handle issues.
  • Remote healthcare applications . helps in remote monitoring, analytics, and diagnosis of patients. This has wide applications since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other benefits for business applications from edge & 5G include bandwidth savings and cost reduction, improving data privacy, and ensuring regulatory compliance. With the right combination of edge, 5G, and a reliable cloud solution to provide a foundation for all the functions, business applications can effectively achieve goals and innovate for the future.

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

At VEXXHOST, we provide the right cloud platform for enterprises to build their business applications with the assistance of changing technology. We help companies across numerous industries get enterprise-grade clouds without vendor lock-ins or licensing fees. Our OpenStack-based cloud solutions, including dedicated and highly secure private cloud environments, are capable of realizing a company's operational objectives with ease.

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What Business Applications Gain from 5G & Edge Computing | VEXXHOST