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Highlights of the OpenStack Summit, Sydney

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

The OpenStack Summit in Sydney took place from 4th-6th November this year. Even though the VEXXHOST ...

The OpenStack Summit in Sydney took place from 4th-6th November this year. Even though the VEXXHOST team was unable to attend, we got some exciting news from the event to share with all of you!

During the Summit, public cloud providers from around the world, in collaboration with the OpenStack Foundation, launched the OpenStack Public Cloud Passport program. This program was created to help potential users find the open cloud that's right for them by receiving trial to OpenStack public clouds. VEXXHOST jumped right on board along with 9 other providers and is proud to be joining the program as an OpenStack cloud provider.

Through our membership of the Passport Program, users are free to roam a Canadian Public Cloud infrastructure and test it out for their requirements. It is a trial of all public cloud services including securely hosted virtual machines, networking, and several other compatible OpenStack projects.

On the last day of the event, the Foundation honoured OpenStack Community Contributors with awards for their outstanding role within the community. It was a moment of honour for the entire team of VEXXHOST when our CEO, Mohammed Naser, was among the awardees! Mohammed was recognized for not only heading a successful company but also a respected OpenStack operator and Project Team Lead of the Puppet-OpenStack upstream project team. He's contributed to the OpenStack community in numerous ways, with his development efforts as well as through infrastructure resources from our public cloud. a lot to the OpenStack community, through his own time and development efforts, as well as infrastructure resources through his public cloud!

We would like to thank the OpenStack Foundation and everyone who has been a part of our journey to success for enabling us to reach greater heights with each passing summit. We appreciate the recognition that has been given to our CEO and would like to congratulate all those who relentlessly contribute and improve the community every day.

We might have missed Sydney, but we hope to catch you at the next one in Vancouver!

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Highlights of the OpenStack Summit, Sydney | VEXXHOST