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Know The Right Server Type For Your Computing Needs

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

It is common to confuse cloud server for VPS or not know the difference between a dedicated server and cloud server. We are here to help find your right fit.

We stumble upon different kinds of hosting models when looking for or comparing service providers related to the cloud computing industry. Servers represent the hosting model that they facilitate.

To pick the correct server, you must know how it operates and whether it would fulfil your business requirements or not. It is prevalent to confuse one for the other. Here we are going to discuss three types of servers: virtual private server, dedicated server and cloud server.

Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Ideal for website hosting, a VPS is a hosting environment created by slicing a physical server into multiple virtual servers. These virtual servers act like dedicated servers for the websites hosted on them. You gain complete control over your VPS instances that run a copy of the operating system, along with root access. However, because of shared physical hardware, there can be some performance drop and latency depending on the workloads on other instances.

Dedicated Server

A dedicated server comes into play when your hosting needs outgrow VPS. In the case of dedicated servers, one complete server is available for your use only. Companies can also opt for a cluster of dedicated servers to build a cloud environment if need be. With full rights over all the resources of the server, you get better security and control of your environment.

Cloud Server

The most advanced model in the hosting ecosphere is cloud hosting. Often confused for VPS because of the virtualization aspect, cloud computing server is in a league of its own. It can also be hard to tell it apart from dedicated servers. But cloud servers offer better scalability and cost-effectiveness than dedicated servers.

Bare metal servers form the backbone of cloud computing, based on which provisioning of cloud servers takes place. A great advantage is that virtual servers can be spun up or down in a matter of seconds, depending upon your workload requirements. A cloud server is suitable for any business size as long as you have the right cloud provider by your side.

The Sophistication Of Cloud Servers

Due to the modern structure of cloud servers, they outperform VPS in many ways:

  1. No performance hiccups when processing large amounts of data and traffic
  2. Maintain industry standard on response times for receiving, processing and availability of information
  3. Keeping data integrity stable through sound data governance practices
  4. Applications on cloud servers experience more stability due to better performance

Make The Right Choice

Matching your enterprise needs with the configuration of servers is crucial for business success. Not only do you need to prepare for your current business model and requirements but also keep in mind the needs of the future. Some important things to consider are features, scalability and pricing of the server type before making the decision.

Cloud servers offer enhanced performance and cost-effective solution for your business. The flexible nature of cloud computing server future proofs your business strategy. Cloud server is among the most agile services out there, ready to absorb any internal or external changes in the everchanging business ecosystem.

We at VEXXHOST provide OpenStack based cloud services for high-performance computing. We employ Openstack technology for our bare-metal provisioning. If you are unsure of which cloud service is best suited for you, get in touch with our OpenStack Consultants to better understand infrastructure demand of your enterprise.

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Know The Right Server Type For Your Computing Needs | VEXXHOST