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Interconnection Fabric For Edge And Cloud Integration

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Distributed clouds are the key to meeting dynamic scalability, resilience and automation. Learn more about the role of interconnection fabric in the equation of edge cloud.

Emerging technology like Internet of Things, 5G, Industry 4.0 applications and more call for evolutions in the edge cloud environment. The upcoming technologies demand increasingly dynamic scalability, resilience and automation. The limelight is on distributed clouds as they can impact the current network architecture to adapt to these advancements. Let's take a look at the role of interconnection fabric in edge cloud evolution.

Edge Clouds Need To Evolve

Nowadays, static, multiple networks that require manual provisioning are commonplace. Single, automated, multi-layer network interconnection fabric must replace them for dynamic connectivity between core data centers and the edge network.

Optimization and automation are critical aspects of the evolution of the current infrastructure. Not to mention, intermediate infrastructure like lite or dark fiber, managed wavelengths, multi-technology paths. These connect data centers and are crucial to efficient edge cloud operations.

Data Center Interconnection Fabric For Edge Cloud

The new network architecture depends on where each of the latest technologies will be best suited,

  1. 5G mobile broadband that requires high bandwidth can be processed in core or near edge data centers.
  2. Applications that require very low-latency and high reliability like autonomous vehicles are best suited for the edge network.
  3. Dynamic applications that require massive signalling and connectivity but not too much bandwidth, such as IoT apps can function at core data centers.
  4. Something like AI would require processing at both core and edge facilities. Therefore, even though reliability, security and resiliency of modern infrastructure are evident, there needs to be some improvement when it comes to layer interconnectivity and integration.

This is where data center interconnection (DCI) fabric comes into the picture. This fabric based on high-performance and agile IP/optical infrastructure can connect edge and core data centers seamlessly. Additionally, it supports highly scalable, reliable and secure edge cloud infrastructure with ultra-low latency and bandwidth on demand for new applications and services.

Moreover, the DCI fabric should be software programable to support applications and services with the appropriate quality of service that each of them demands.

Edge Infrastructure For The Masses

The DCI fabric implementation between the edge to cloud paradigm increases operational efficiency for both providers and end-users. There is enhanced performance of existing services as well as other imminent technological advancements.

If you are looking to make the most of edge compute network while optimal usage of your cloud environment, get in touch with us to know more about OpenStack's work with edge computing. Stay tuned for benefits of DCI fabric and learn about improved operational efficiency.

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Interconnection Fabric For Edge And Cloud Integration | VEXXHOST