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Edge Computing: A Look at the Prospects & Problems

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Edge computing is increasingly favoured by many enterprises these days. Here's a look at opportunities & challenges that are associated with edge computing

Edge computing is increasingly being favored by many enterprises these days. The technology gives companies an advantage in managing large amounts of data generated by them through the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices.

Edge solutions are considered great for data growth and management. But this doesn't mean that the enterprises are without concern - cost and security are considered challenges that need to be addressed.

In this context, let's take a look at the various prospects and problems concerning edge computing and solutions.

The Prospects

It is no secret that IoT and devices of similar nature create a lot of data. As a result, organizations are more inclined to move data storage and computing capabilities closer to their devices. This move will help reduce the cost of utilizing cloud facilities or a data center and get the analysis done faster through edge computing.

Many firms have already started utilizing edge solutions, and a significant number of other companies are planning to do so in the near future. There is also a consensus that there is a sense of priority being given to handling data using edge and setting up integrated systems.

Edge computing also becomes the need of the hour because many companies have a large influx of data. Most of these enterprises are either unequipped to store the data or process them fast enough to take any necessary action out of it. To be fair, this trend is not going to slow down. Data influx is only going to increase as technology and needs are changing rapidly around us.

Edge solutions are the answer to that. With the aid of Machine learning and AI within edge computing, collection, processing, storage, and action on data is possible at a much faster and efficient rate.

The Challenges

A large number of enterprises are now aware of the many benefits that come with utilizing edge computing for their operations. They are also willing to implement it. But certain factors prevent them from being fully on board.

Operational costs and security are the two major elements that affect companies' decision-making in moving to edge solutions.

Many organizations, especially small scale ones, have budget constraints when it comes to data collection, processing, and management through edge. Some companies also do not have the resources to accumulate data from different sources or even possess the necessary skills to manage it.

Security is the next factor. Some IT organizations and their decision-makers are concerned about their operations' secure nature and whether adopting IoT devices for edge solutions would make their data vulnerable. On the other side of the coin, several firms claim that the collective data and analysis from the edge devices have only benefitted them in improving their security. As long as stringent security measures are established to govern the data flow and storage, security will be ensured.

The Future

All in all, we can see that edge computing is very much the need of the hour. Rapid movements in data processing are happening as we speak, benefitting the growth of enterprises. It is just a matter of time before more organizations realize the vast potential of edge solutions and implement the technology to advance their data management capabilities.

Edge Computing with VEXXHOST

If you would like to learn more about setting up an edge computing network while keeping your cloud environment at optimal usage levels, team VEXXHOST is ready for you. We also offer various cloud solutions including private clouds for businesses and enterprises of all sizes. Feel free to contact us—we would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

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Edge Computing: A Look at the Prospects & Problems | VEXXHOST