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What is Cognitive Architecture? Explained.

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Cognitive architecture aims to use cognitive psychology research to create a complete computer-based cognition model. Read on.

Cognitive architecture, or rather one of its first models, was created In 1960 by Ed Feigenbaum. This model was called Elementary Perceiver and Memorizer (EPAM) and attempted to understand how several fundamental aspects of the human mind work. From there, how has it grown? What exactly is cognitive architecture now? Here is a look.

What is Cognitive Architecture?

Cognitive architecture is the theory regarding the human mind, its structure, and how the various components work in sync to manage intelligent behavior in complex environments. It aims to use cognitive psychology research to create a complete computer-based cognition model. After Ed Feigenbaum's initial findings, Herbert A. Simon, his teacher (and a big name in AI research), recognized the possibility of a true cognitive architectural model.

Cognitive architecture aims to create artificial computational system processes that work like natural cognitive systems or humans. The technology works as a blueprint for intelligence agents. The theory focuses on combining artificial intelligence (AI) with cognitive sciences. With the rise in popularity and adoption for machine learning and AI technology, cognitive architecture will only further garner research and become a more refined practice with a wide range of applications.

Models of Cognitive Architecture

Over the years, there have been many successful cognitive architecture models under development. They include:

  • Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent (LIDA) - developed as an integrated model that tries to broadly model human cognition, from action and perceptions to high-level reasoning.
  • Active Control of Thought-Rational (ACT-R) - attempts to study how the human brain organizes itself into singular processing modules and reduces cognitive functions to the most basic operations that can still allow cognition to happen.
  • Soar. this model is inspired by both ACT-R and LIDA with the objective of creating generalized intelligent agents to perform various tasks functioning as the building blocks to emulate human cognitive capacity.

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

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