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The Three Types Of Artificial Intelligence

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence are transforming business operations every day. We are breaking down the different types and what they can do for your business.

Artificial intelligence first came onto the computer science scene in 1956 at a conference at Dartmouth College. These experts were looking to replicate the thought processes of the human brain through technology. Since then, technological advances in AI have only continued to innovate and transform our lives. AI is now able to interact with changing environments, use predictive algorithms, and even use natural language processing.

While it is still some way away from perfectly replicating the human mind, artificial intelligence has a lot to offer businesses. From automating processes to generating better user experiences, many enterprises stand to benefit from AI technology and its various subsets. We're here today to break down the three types of artificial intelligence and how they differ from each other. From narrow or weak AI, general or strong AI, and artificial superintelligence, it's time to understand what sets them apart. Without further ado, let's dive straight in.

Weak AI

When we talk about weak AI, also known as artificial narrow intelligence, the name is self-descriptive. ANI has a small range of abilities. Irrespective of that, it is the only successful kind of artificial intelligence to have actualized so far. ANI can complete a wide range of intelligent tasks such as facial recognition, speech recognition, searching the internet, and even self-driving cars. Although ANI needs further improvement, it is very good at completing singular and specific tasks that it has been pre-programmed to complete.

Computer scientists refer to ANI as week AI because it cannot replicate human behavior; it can only simulate behavior based on contexts and pre-set parameters. There have been many advancements in narrow AI that can benefit businesses big and small. From being able to automate processes through chatbots to powering deep learning and machine learning, AI in tandem with cloud computing can be the secret ingredient your business has been missing.

General AI

General or strong AI, otherwise known as artificial general intelligence, would be able to set AI technologies on par with general human intelligence. AGI is aiming to give machines and computer systems the ability to learn and use its thought processes to solve problems. Ideally, AGI would be able to behave in a way that is no different from any human.

Although researchers have yet to create a successful model that would adequately achieve AGI, it is in the works. If successful, AGI would be able to give computer systems consciousness and would be able to program into them human-like cognitive abilities. This breakthrough would change the technological landscape. Computer systems would be able to replicate emotions, beliefs and thought processes. The amount of data generated would need to have a robust cloud infrastructure to be able to store and process it efficiently. In the event of AGI becoming a reality, private cloud infrastructure would be able to help users process big data and make the most of AGI.

Strong AI

Artificial superintelligence is also known as strong AI, a hypothetical AI that would give machines the ability to experience human behavior. It would no longer be a case of computer systems understanding social cognitive skills, but it would have proper self-awareness. Moreover, ASI would be able to surpass human intelligence.

Even though we are technologically far away from achieving ASI, it would have an impact on literally every single process. From medicine and science to business and art, it would have super-intelligent capacities that we cannot even fathom yet. Its impact on a wide range of industries would be evident. While we know that cloud computing has had a valuable effect on sectors such as healthcare and automotive, imagine what the power of ASI would be able to change in our daily lives.

While innovations in AGI and ASI are merely speculative at this point, working with ANI can significantly enhance your business. The types of artificial intelligence opens a wide range of possibilities for your enterprise. Curious to learn more about how narrow AI and cloud computing can impact your business? Contact our team of experts today.

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The Three Types Of Artificial Intelligence | VEXXHOST