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3 Ways To Protect Your Cloud Against Kubernetes Data Loss

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

When it comes to your cloud 'Kubernetes data loss' is something that you never want to hear. All businesses should strive to minimize data loss.

When it comes to your cloud 'Kubernetes data loss' is something that you never want to hear. Lost data means that critical data is gone, or at the very least temporarily misplaced. It is a horrible, stressful process to realize that critical business information is gone forever. Sometimes businesses lose only some of their information, such as any record of eCommerce sales in the last 48 hours. Other times, the information may not be necessarily lost forever but inaccessible for a period of time. No matter how long or permanent, all businesses should strive to minimize data loss as much as possible.

So when your business is working with Kubernetes, what can you do to protect yourself from Kubernetes data loss? Luckily for you, the team of experts at VEXXHOST has compiled three ways that you can protect yourself against the various ways you could lose data with Kubernetes. Keep reading to make sure that Kubernetes data loss doesn't happen to you or your business.

Never Use Just One Copy

It is common knowledge that having only one copy is a recipe for disaster. Although this isn't specific to Kubernetes data loss, it is something worth highlighting. Not taking the time to create a backup is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Backups store data from a specified moment and then log relevant changes since your last backup. The downside to backups is that they do take valuable resources like time and they do not work well for Big Data. Perhaps instead of a single database, your business may consider live replicas that share changes frequently and automatically. This way if one replica malfunctions, you'll have other applications that you can quickly switch to. Ultimately avoiding the detrimental effects of both permanent and short term data loss.

3 Ways To Protect Your Cloud Against Kubernetes Data Loss

Keep A Eye On Originals

When your business utilizes copies then it puts you at risk for a different type of Kubernetes data loss- losing your original data and your copies. In this case, it may be worth keeping a close eye on the blast radius. Meaning that while you have live replicas that are using network-attached storage if anything fails your replicas fail as well because they are within the blast radius. The best thing your business can do to protect itself is to separate your copies within a specific distance. Kubernetes supports availability zones, which can help negate the negative effects of the blast radius. For the best assurance, space out your replicas across regions with fully separate Kubernetes clusters.

Human Error And Kubernetes Data Loss

There is one very easy way to lose a significant amount of critical data quickly- human error. Make sure that you are enabling 'Retain' as a reclaim policy for your production data. The 'Retail' reclaim policy works to manually retrieve deleted resources. This is turn will protect your information against accidentally deleting database deployments. Human error is an excellent example of how automation through Kubernetes operators can help protect your data. Whether your business is looking to guard itself against any potential Kubernetes data loss or looking to get started with Kubernetes, contact our team of experts to learn more about how we can help your business. We are certified Kubernetes and experienced in helping your business grow through cloud infrastructure.

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