This year, the VEXXHOST team decided to take on the #newyearnewme challenge by embarking on a rebranding journey. We welcomed this challenge with open arms and gave it our all. Learn more about our transition to our new logo!
This year, the VEXXHOST team decided to take on the #newyearnewme challenge by embarking on a rebranding journey. We welcomed this challenge with open arms and gave it our all. The result? A sleek, updated logo combined with striking colors that better represent our brand. Let's break it down.
New Year, New Me
While both our old logo and our color scheme served us well, we wanted to enter the new decade with a brand image that better resonated with what VEXXHOST has become.

When we first designed our logo back in 2006, we did not yet have the professional eye that we have today. However, it did showcase our company name well, and it demonstrated the potential we had as a cloud computing solution. We were a force to be reckoned with, and we proved that through our growth over the decade. Over time, though, we realized that our logo no longer worked for us. So, we decided to make some changes.
From the start, we knew that we didn't want to completely alter our logo since our brand is strongly linked with the design. Therefore, we settled with updating it instead. This way, it would correlate with our evolution while it still embraced our roots. After all, we are nothing without our humble beginnings.
Ring in the New Font
The first order of business was to create a more cohesive look. We knew that the font we chose would make the most significant impact, so we had to make sure that it was perfect. So, we crafted every space, pixel, corner, and line to perfection. The result? A much smoother and unified look that emulates the precision we offer our customers.

New Decade, New Shade
Our previous logo consisted of gray and blue tones, a combination that we didn't connect to anymore. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to select two new colors that not only complement one another, but that also could help make our brand more recognizable. We settled with two shades of purple: “Day” and “Night.” United by the balance of blue and the resilience of red, we want our brand to echo the same energy that of purple.

Fresh Start, New Art
Last but not least, we spent some time enhancing the design of our logo. As you can see, the design does not stray far from the essence of the original, but, at the same time, it looks more polished. We have broken down the meaning behind it for those who are interested in its origin!
Same, but different

At our core, we are still the community-driven cloud infrastructure solution that you have come to know. We just thought that it was time to upgrade our brand image so that it better fit the vision and the mission of VEXXHOST. We also wanted to make a more powerful visual impact so that customers can make a deeper association between our logo and our name. After all, we want to enter the new decade in style and confidence. Our new logo reflects the success we have had this past decade, and we hope that it will play a crucial role in our future successes!