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How the Fishing Industry Leverages AI and Cloud for Futuristic Growth

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Big Data, AI, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning all contribute to the growth of the fishing industry, making it sustainable and accountable. Read more.

The fishing industry is often perceived as one of the industries that have not undergone many changes from traditional systems. This notion is false. As with any industry in the modern world, commercial fishing is also evolving, applying the various technological developments around us and benefiting greatly from doing so.

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning all contribute to the growth of the industry and making it sustainable and accountable. Without further ado, let us dive in and see how the fishing industry solves its many challenges with the help of modern technological solutions. To be clear, this article mostly focuses on oceanic, sea, or other water body-related commercial fishing. Fish farming is a topic for later.

Advantages of AI and Related Tech in Commerical Fishing

As mentioned before, digital transformation has taken over the fishing industry as well. Streamlining production and reducing uncertainties remain at the core of these practices, similar to other agricultural and food-related industries. Concerns over environmental sustainability and unregulated commercial fishing practices are also being tackled with the help of various technologies.

Fishing companies and related entities use AI, big data, IoT and edge computing, and more to collect data on various aspects of their operations. Since the industry is not operating from specific locations and is always dynamic or remote in nature, cloud storage and processing are the most preferred methods. Larger companies who have sensitive and highly regulated data to handle opt for private clouds, either hosted or on-premise, depending on compliance needs. Here is a look at the primary advantages technology brings to the commercial fishing industry.

  • Data collection and analysis . from the type of fish caught to the wind, sea-level, weather, and temperature fluctuations, data is everything for the modern fishing industry. Regularly collected data from fishing vessels, docks, ports, and enterprises will help people understand how the industry ran and help them predict or plan for the future.
  • Streamlining preparations and saving time . AI, IoT tools are used to streamline processes during the time of fishing and exploratory activities. For example, determining how much time and resources to spend looking for a particular species and its current location and movement.
  • Monitoring vessel movement . Automatic Identification System (AIS), satellite imaging, and data from various sensors can help pinpoint vessel location and prevent the vessel from accidentally crossing international lines where fishing is restricted.
  • Reduce fraudulent practices . If someone decides to engage in illegal activities such as cross international lines for shipping, tracking, regular reports, and data transmitted online, let the concerned entities know about the issues.
  • Optimizing the overall process . Available data and machine learning patterns can help in tasks from improving the fuel efficiency of the fishing vessel to helping the supply organizations to predict the availability of fish accurately.

Impact of Technology for Various Players in the Fishing Industry

Entities and organizations leveraging technology such as AI to smarten their operations within the fishing industry are plenty. For each of the parties involved, the objectives are different, and the tools needed are different. Technology not only helps in realizing the objectives but also helps in conflict resolutions, working together for singular goals, and more. Here is a glance at who the major players in the fishing industry are and how they use modern technology and tools concerning fishing.

  • Fisherfolk . have readily available data on all their activities to show that they are operating within legal bounds. Use tech-powered tools to access data that will help them in fishing at the right locations, reduce wastage of resources such as fuel, be better aware of weather and sea conditions, and maximize output.
  • Seafood Companies . Wholesale and retail seafood suppliers know where, how, and under what conditions the seafood they sell have been procured and whether it was all done legally. They also can manage their own database and further operations accordingly.
  • Researchers, Environmental NGOs . Through data collected from fisherfolk, companies, and through their own field and offsite research, researchers and NGOs can determine all the best practices to be followed in the industry and provide guidelines for it.
  • Government, coast guard, and statutory agencies . Governments and related regulatory agencies can avail the data from the fishing industry and check for the legality of the operations and legislate sustainable laws that will benefit both the fishing industry and oceanic ecosystems.

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions for All Industries

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How the Fishing Industry Leverages AI and Cloud for Futuristic Growth | VEXXHOST