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Recap of Ansible Meetup Montreal

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

An immersive experience for Ansible users and other industry enthusiasts. Here are some highlights from the April Meetup.

Ansible Meetups are an interactive window for Ansible users and industry enthusiasts to get together and discuss the latest Ansible news and developments along with other related subject material. The meetup provides an open platform to share each other's knowledge base and learn about all things Ansible.

VEXXHOST made the most of this opportunity this year and sponsored the Meetup organized on the 17th of this month.

The event was hosted by Fibrenoire, fiber optic connectivity service provider, based in Quebec. Our co-sponsor for the event was Red Hat and they provided pizza and beverages to the attendees at the door opening.

The welcome talk of the evening was delivered by Michael Lessard, Principal Solutions Architect, Red Hat, talking about the latest Ansible news.

The session that followed was by David Moreau-Simard, a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. The talk highlighted the new API to consult and integrate the results of Ansible playbook with ARA 1.0.

The attendees got a short break, during which members of the VEXXHOST team served up fresh popcorn!

Ansible Meetup Montreal 2019Ansible Meetup Montreal 2019 - Giveaway

Our CEO, Mohammed Naser, held the last session for the evening and talked about how to build infrastructure with Ansible. Areas covered were the dos and don'ts of building your infrastructure, starting from the continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines to its management and security. In the talk, discussions were based on management of mono-repositories vs integrated repositories performing many small roles as well as the security features of running it from laptops vs CD vs a jumpbox.

Ansible Meetup Montreal 2019 - Mitogen Talk

The event concluded with an open floor for questions and networking.

Thank you to all the attendees, it was our pleasure to interact with you all! Our team had a great time learning all about Ansible's vast community and we hope you did as well.

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Recap of Ansible Meetup Montreal | VEXXHOST