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OpenStack Victoria is Here! Let's Get To Know Version 22

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

The 22nd iteration of OpenStack, OpenStack Victoria, was released recently. VEXXHOST is running the latest version for its cloud operations and services across the world. Read more.

OpenStack Victoria, the latest version of the global open source project, was released on the 14th of October 2020. This is the 22nd iteration of OpenStack. At VEXXHOST, we couldn't be more excited about this much-awaited release. We are also proud to inform you, our new private cloud operations and services are already running with the latest version.

The Release and the Basics

The release of Victoria coincided with the Open Infrastructure Summit 2020, held virtually this time. OpenStack received more than 20,059 code changes for Victoria. These came from 790 developers belonging to 160 organizations in 45 countries. A large global open source community backs OpenStack. The number of contributors mentioned above stabilizes OpenStack's ranking among the top three open source projects worldwide.

The main theme behind OpenStack Victoria is its work on native integration with Kubernetes. The update also supports diverse architectures and provides enhanced networking capabilities.

OpenStack's prominent strength is that it optimizes the performance of virtual machines and bare metal, and with the Victoria release, this is further boosted. In addition to several enhancements to OpenStack's stable and reliable core and highly flexible integration options with other open source projects, the new release offers the following innovative features:

Highlight Features and Benefits of Victoria

  • #### Enhanced Native integration with Kubernetes OpenStack Victoria provides greater native integration with Kubernetes through the different modules of the cloud platform. For instance, Ironic deploying bare-metal has been split into several phases to better integrate with Kubernetes and standalone use. This marks an important trend since bare-metal via Ironic saw 66% more activity over the OpenStack Ussuri cycle. It also offers decomposition of the various implementation steps and new possibilities, such as provisioning without credentials for BMC and DHCP-less deployments.

Kuryr, a solution that bridges container framework network models and the OpenStack network bark traction, now supports custom resource definitions (CRDs). Kuryr will no longer use annotations to store data about OpenStack objects in the Kubernetes API. Instead, corresponding CRDs (KuryrPort, KuryrLoadBalancer, and KuryrNetworkPolicy) are created.

Tacker, the OpenStack service for NFV orchestration, now supports additional Kubernetes objects and VNF LCM APIs. It also provides an additional method for reading Kubernetes object files and CNF artifact definitions in the CSAR package. Tacker also offers more extensive standard features for ETSI NFV-SOL (such as lifecycle management, scale-up, and VNF management) and a Fenix plug-in for rolling updates of VNFs using Fenix and Heat.

  • #### Additional Backing for Architectures and Standards The Cyborg-AP I now supports a PATCH call that allows direct programming of FPGAs with pre-uploaded bitstreams. The Victoria release also adds support for Intel QAT and Inspur FPGA accelerators.

Octavia now supports HTTP / 2 over TLS based on Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). It is now also possible to specify minimum TLS versions for listeners and pools.

Vitrage now supports loading data via the standard TMF639 Resource Inventory Management API.

  • #### Solutions to Complex Network Problems Neutron now offers a metadata service that works over IPv6. This service can be used without a config drive in networks that are completely based on IPv6. Neutron is now helping flat network users support Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR), Floating IP port forwarding for the back-end of OVN, and availability zones for routers OVN.

Kuryr now supports automatic detection of the VM bridging interface in nested configurations.

Octavia's load balancer pools now support version two of the PROXY protocol. This makes it possible to pass client information to participating servers when using TCP protocols. This version provides improved performance when establishing new connections to participating servers using the PROXY protocol, especially while using IPv6.

OpenStack Victoria and VEXXHOST

OpenStack Victoria releases at a time when OpenStack is officially a decade old. VEXXHOST is proud to be a part of the OpenStack Journey for nine out of those ten years. We are always among the earliest to implement the upgrades in our cloud systems and our new private clouds running on Victoria is a testament to that. And we're very proud to offer the latest OpenStack upgrades for your private cloud and public cloud solutions. Contact us with all your cloud-related queries; we're all ears!

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OpenStack Victoria is Here! Let's Get To Know Version 22 | VEXXHOST