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Block Storage With OpenStack Cinder

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

OpenStack Cinder is able to dramatically decrease and increase storage capacity without having to worry about expensive physical storage systems.

If you're looking for scalability within your cloud storage then OpenStack Cinder is worth highlighting. Cinder users are able to dramatically decrease and increase their storage capacity without having to worry about expensive physical storage systems or servers. Meaning that businesses and organizations alike can benefit from the best flexibility at lower costs.

Today we are going to go over the basics of OpenStack Cinder. Keep reading to learn more about how Cinder block storage is a fundamental part of an OpenStack starter kit and how its block storage capabilities create a more versatile and secure cloud solution.

Let's Talk OpenStack Cinder

When it comes to volume storage for bare metal and virtual machines it's important to have high integration compatibility. Moreover, Cinder is able to provision volume storage for virtual machines through the use of Nova. Meanwhile, Cinder can provision volume storage for bare metal through Ironic. Thus giving it the flexibility to work with both projects.

The compatibility of Cinder doesn't stop there though. Cinder is also Ceph compatible, meaning that Cinder makes it possible for users to work with Ceph storage without any added complications to your cloud. Through the use of snapshots of management functionality, Cinder is able to back up data stored on block storage volumes. Restoring storage volumes or creating new block storage volumes are now possible with Cinder. Moreover, Cinder simplifies code management by allowing users to use one code for each service. Cinder can manage all the provisioning and deleting the needs of the users with efficiency and ease of use.

Simplified Management and Secure Communication

Users are able to simplify the management of their storage devices thanks to Cinder's simple API management. The implementation of one code for all backends makes this possible. Therefore, instead of needing to maintain different code for each backend, it is possible to use a single code to facilitate the process. Cinder is the gatekeeper of all the codes which allows it to create volumes on different backends. With simple integration, it's no longer necessary to create integrations between other services and their backends. Cinder becomes one of the ways in which they can communicate securely.

Another way in which Cinder enables secure communication is through seamless encryption. This gives users the best experience of OpenStack's block storage and key management technologies. Cinder is able to integrate with key management so that it is possible to utilize the associate key to decrypt its content when the server starts. Encrypted data is not accessible to anyone without the appropriate key. This means that your content remains secure even under the rare possibility that someone should take the server.

Get Started

Thinking it's about time your business or organization upgrade to an OpenStack powered cloud? Trust the experts at VEXXHOST to help make your cloud aspirations a reality. We are OpenStack certified and have been using and contributing to OpenStack since 2011. Certainly, with nearly a decade of experience, we are there to help you through every step of the way. Contact us today to get started with an OpenStack powered cloud that's unique to your business needs.

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Block Storage With OpenStack Cinder | VEXXHOST