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New Cloud Management Portal Updates

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

We have been keeping up to date with all of our clients' requests and feedback and we always love to...

We have been keeping up to date with all of our clients' requests and feedback and we always love to hear more feedback regarding our cloud management portal. We have added numerous requested features that should facilitate the management of your cloud servers and reduce the need to contact our support. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to submit them using the “Feedback” on our cloud hosting management portal.

New dashboard You should have noticed by now that we have an entirely new dashboard that you go to when logging into your account, previously, you would go to your profile section of the website. Now, from your dashboard, you have a small section on getting started and getting assistance for your cloud as well as the latest updates and news. You can also search our knowledgebase for any assistance there instantly.

However, the feature we find the coolest is your “Cloud Statistics” which gives you at a glance, total usage of CPU, memory, network and bandwidth utilization of all your servers. This allows you to see where you stand at the moment and if you require any upgrades. We also included global capacity statistics and the status of our entire network so you can monitor the health of the network.

Easier navigation We were not entirely satisfied with the old navigation system around the website and we kept reviewing all sorts of different options until we implemented a new breadcrumb navigation system that facilitates navigation around the portal and locating where you are exactly.

You should see the breadcrumb at the top of the page, it always starts from the cloud icon, which is your dashboard, and works itself into any specific page, clicking any section of the breadcrumb takes you to that exact page. This should be a lot easier to use than the previously in-navigation setup

Reverse DNS modification This was a big feature request from our clients. Usually setting up rDNS involves sending an email to our support and having someone manually adjust it for you, which we did not like, mainly because we wanted a fully automated cloud where the customer can manage everything.

If you navigate to your IP addresses page for a specific server, you should see reverse DNS for each IP, by clicking on it, it will transform to a text box, edit the content and either click outside the box (or press enter) and the DNS value will be modified. Please note that changes may take up to 24 hours to propagate through DNS servers.

That's about all for new features, however, we're not quite done. We still have a long list of new features coming soon (hint: API). We appreciate all input from our clients and we welcome all new feedback for our panel.

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New Cloud Management Portal Updates | VEXXHOST