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Join VEXXHOST at the OpenInfra Days in Europe 2024

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

As the OpenInfra Days in Europe approach, we are excited to invite you to join us at attending the premier gatherings of the brightest minds in cloud technology and open-source enthusiasts. As a member of the OpenInfra Foundation, VEXXHOST proudly takes the sponsorship of several events as part of OpenInfra Days in Europe 2024.

This year again, the OpenInfra Foundation is organizing a series of events across Europe, showcasing the newest advancements in open-source technologies and providing unparalleled networking opportunities for all open-source enthusiasts.

VEXXHOST's Sponsorship

We are proud to announce that VEXXHOST will be a part of this year's OpenInfra Days in Europe as a sponsor, supporting these events that are vital for the open-source community. We will be sponsoring various events throughout Europe, including being

  • the Happy Hour Sponsor in Sweden,
  • the Silver Sponsor in Germany, and
  • the Gold Sponsor in France.

Our Agenda for OpenInfra Days

Mohammed Naser, VEXXHOST’s CEO, will be giving insightful speeches in Sweden and France, and participating in a panel discussion and “configarathon” session in Germany. Check our agenda below, and make sure to swing by to connect and network. We would love to meet you there.

Here are some details about the events, dates, times and locations where we hope to see you as well.

OpenInfra Day Sweden

Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 14:05 –14:25

Location: Volvohallen, Gothenburg, Sweden

Speaker: Mohammed Naser, CEO at VEXXHOST

Topic: Modernizing OpenStack with Kubernetes, Cluster API, Keycloak (..and Rust?)

OpenInfra Day Germany

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Location: Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany

Speaker: Mohammed Naser, CEO at VEXXHOST

Event Highlights: Panel discussion and "configarathon" session showcasing installation phases, deployment models, and different approaches.

OpenInfra Day France

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 16:00 –16:45

Location: EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, Paris-Saclay, France

Speaker: Mohammed Naser, CEO at VEXXHOST

Topic: Effortless On-Premise Kubernetes: Cloud-Native Experience at a Fraction of the Cost

Don’t Miss Out

Join VEXXHOST at OpenInfra Days in Europe 2024 for an unforgettable experience filled with insightful discussions, groundbreaking presentations, and invaluable networking opportunities.

Make sure to swing by and say hi! While you're there, don't miss the chance to pick up some cool freebies as a thank-you from us for your interest in VEXXHOST!

We look forward to seeing you there! For more information about the event visit this link.

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