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Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing - A Comparison

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Edge computing vs. cloud computing - how different or similar are they and how can enterprises use both to their advantage? Here is a look.

Edge computing vs. cloud computing? How different or similar are both these technologies? How can enterprises use both to their advantage? Here is an overview of both edge and cloud computing to get a clearer idea.

Overview of Edge Computing

Edge computing refers to the network paradigm that brings cloud computing services such as network and storage closer to consumers. One of the primary purposes of edge computing is to ensure that the outskirts of the administrative domain are closer to discrete data sources of end-users. That being said, many workload requirements could benefit from distributed architecture. Data analytics, security, and compliance requirements can all be improved through cloud edge computing.

It is no secret that IoT and devices of similar nature create a lot of data. As a result, organizations are more inclined to move data storage and computing capabilities closer to their devices. This move will help reduce the cost of utilizing cloud facilities or a data center and get the analysis done faster through edge computing.

Many firms have already started utilizing edge solutions, and a significant number of other companies are planning to do so in the near future. There is also a consensus that a sense of priority is given to handling data using edge and setting up integrated systems.

Edge computing also becomes the need of the hour because many companies have a large influx of data. Most of these enterprises are either unequipped to store the data or process them fast enough to take any necessary action out of it. To be fair, this trend is not going to slow down. Data influx is only going to increase as technology and needs are changing rapidly around us.

Edge solutions are the answer to that. With the aid of Machine learning and AI within edge computing, collection, processing, storage, and action on data is possible at a much faster and efficient rate.

Overview of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a platform where resources such as compute, storage, and network can be applied to a flexible, highly virtualized workload. It can better meet the needs of modern, dynamic workloads.

Cloud computing provides a significant shift from traditional methods of how businesses think about their IT resources. Here are seven major advantages of cloud computing - reasons why organizations are turning to cloud services:

  • Scalability
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Agility
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Security

Cloud types are not all the same. Enterprises need different cloud types according to their specific requirements. Over the years, several models of clouds have evolved, depending on their architecture, components, and deployment - three major types are - public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud. Furthermore, most cloud services fall into three categories: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Software as a service (SaaS).

Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing - The Verdict

In conclusion, edge computing vs. cloud computing is not a debate, but both distinct technologies can supplement data centers and optimize resource utilization. Both technologies can be used by enterprises, combined or separately, according to their own use cases. The core idea for an enterprise should be to have the right resources when and where they need them to advance their goals and strategies.

At VEXXHOST, we provide the right cloud platform for enterprises to build their business applications with the assistance of changing technology. We help companies across numerous industries get enterprise-grade clouds without vendor lock-ins or licensing fees. Our OpenStack-based cloud solutions, including dedicated and highly secure private cloud environments, are capable of realizing a company's operational objectives with ease.

Speaking of private clouds, you can now run on a fully agile and customized cloud from VEXXHOST, with no licensing fees and smooth 2-week migration. In fact, we're ready to put our money where our mouth is. We're so confident in being able to save you at least 20% or more on your current cloud infrastructure expenditure that if proven wrong- we'll give you $1,000 credit to our public cloud.

Excited? Find out more.

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Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing - A Comparison | VEXXHOST