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5G Technology - An Infographic Overview

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

5G Technology is on the rise currently and is being rolled out all over the globe. Here are some basics for you to know in an infographic.

5G Technology - An Infographic Overview

5G Technology is on the rise currently. 5G networks and services are being rolled out in stages over the last year or two and are spreading all over the globe. The technology is expected to generate various new applications, uses, and business cases as the technology is rolled out. It is transforming the connectivity landscape with unprecedented speeds and faster responsiveness. In this context, here is an essential overview of the technology.

What is 5G Technology?

5G technology is a new industry standard in network connectivity. It is set to slowly replace the current widespread 4G LTE standard like 4G replaced 3G a few years ago. 5G stands for the fifth generation of networking technology.

The tech is not just about speeding mobile connections but also about enabling faster wireless internet everywhere across multiple devices such as smart cars to smart homes and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

According to a proposed 5G growth trajectory, there will be 619 million 5G users in 2021. That number is projected to reach $4.4 Billion by 2026, in just a matter of five years.

In Comparison with Predecessors

Unlike 4G or its predecessors such as 3G, 2G, etc., which need massive, high-power towers to transmit signals over longer distances, 5G signals are sent through large numbers of smaller cell stations. It is also much, much faster. 5G download speeds can reach upwards of 1 megabits per second (Mbps) or even reach a peak speed of 20 Gbps. In comparison, 2G was 64 Kbps, 3G was 2 Mbps, and 4G was 1 Gbps.

Types of 5G Services

Wireless broadband - 5 G-based wireless broadband services deliver internet to organizations and homes without wired connections. Fixed broadband services can get operators to provide broadband services to homes and businesses. This approach does away with the requirement to roll out fiber-optic connections to each area. Instead, operators install fiber optics to cell sites, and customers receive broadband internet through wireless modems at their locations.

Cellular network - 5G cellular networks provide access to 5G connections from operators. These services became commercially available in 2019. Cellular service delivery is also dependent upon other factors.

Significant Features of 5G Technology

5G has plenty of excellent benefits, such as the following:

  • Peak Connectivity up to 20Gbps
  • Automated network behaviors
  • Accelerated service delivery
  • Brings, satellite, wireless, & wireline together
  • Provides platform enabling services
  • Network slicing capabilities
  • Low latency communication
    Applications and Use Cases

The applications of 5G can range from multi-faceted enterprise uses to more casual consumer use. Some examples are given below:

  • High-speed streaming
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • IoT devices
  • Edge Computing
  • Data Analytics
    VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

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