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The Not-So-Secret Operational Advantages of Private Cloud Computing

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Businesses and their IT operations are evolving around us, and there's a big buzz around private cloud computing and the advantages it brings. Read more.

Businesses and their IT operations are evolving around us, and there's a big buzz around private cloud computing. The rising demand for work-from-home scenarios, aided by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes many companies transition into the cloud. It looks like the trend is here to stay, as companies are recognizing the several operational advantages of having their own cloud systems.

For big and small organizations, the major attraction to private clouds comes from the fact that they can leverage all benefits of a public cloud and more.

Here are a few examples of the various operational advantages of private cloud computing and a brief look at each of them.

Business Flexibility

Cloud-based operations offer better agility and flexibility to companies compared to traditional IT operational mechanisms. A scalable, easy access system is beneficial for both company and its user. This versatility is especially advantageous to growing enterprises as they can have a dynamic system to support them without the burden of physical infrastructure.

Improved Security with Private Cloud Computing

Both private and public clouds have similar security features set up by the provider. But, with private clouds, the storage servers are not shared among different users. This single-tenant nature also allows companies to install additional security protocols to their clouds.

Fostering Collaboration

Since the storage and processing of data happen in the cloud, teams or users can access what they need from anywhere in the world on authorized devices of their choice. As mentioned earlier, the pandemic has made many operations and jobs to remote facilities. Private cloud computing enables people to work and collaborate as usual and runs the business seamlessly.

Automated Upgrades and Updates

Another advantage of having a private cloud is that the service provider is responsible for timely upgrades and updates to the hardware and software infrastructures. Businesses can solely focus on their operations while these time-consuming services are taken care of by the provider.

Improved Data Backup and Recovery

Companies with their own IT infrastructure have to have allocations for data backup and recovery mechanisms as well. Cloud computing providers have data backup systems in place in secure data centers. In the event of a crisis, these systems activate immediately to reduce any operational risks.

Reduced Costs with Private Cloud Computing

Private cloud computing eliminates the need for companies to set up their own physical servers and related costs. Cloud providers offer their servers and services in a pay-as-you-use system, so such charges reduce, and there's no wastage of resources such as storage.

Effortless Setup

This point should probably be on top of the list. The enterprises provide the details of the cloud they need with the provider, and the rest is taken care of by the latter. There is no need to be concerned about infrastructure set up, space allocation, purchasing hardware or software, licensing, etc.

At VEXXHOST, we provide OpenStack-based private cloud solutions to our clients, comprising of various OpenStack services. Your enterprise can leverage all the operational advantages of private cloud computing through flexible and highly customizable services. Have a glance at our dedicated private cloud resource page or contact us to learn more.

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