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What is Service-Oriented Architecture? Explained.

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) benefits enterprises by creating interoperability between services and applications. Read on.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) benefits enterprises by creating interoperability between services and applications. It will also ensure easy scalability of existing applications while simultaneously reducing costs in business service solutions.

Here is a detailed look at the topic.

What is Service-Oriented Architecture?

Service-oriented architecture is a model of software development allowing services to communicate across several platforms and languages to form applications. Within SOA, services are self-sufficient units of software, designed to complete a specific task. The service-oriented architecture allows multiple services to communicate using loose coupling systems to forward data or coordinate activities. Here, loose coupling refers to service clients remaining independent of their essential service. Furthermore, the client or service can communicate with other services, even without any relation between them.

The defining concepts behind service-oriented architecture are:

  • Strategic goals have prominence over project-specific benefits.
  • Business value has more prominence than the technical strategy.
  • Essential interoperability is more important than custom integration.
  • Continued improvement is more vital than immediate perfection.
  • Shared services are more important than purposeful implementations.

Objectives of SOA

Primarily, there are three objectives of service-oriented architecture; each goal focuses on different aspects of application lifecycles.

The first objective aims at structuring procedures or software components as services. They are designed to be loosely coupled to applications, to be used only when needed. They are also designed to be efficiently utilized by software developers, who have to create applications consistently.

The second objective is to offer a publishing mechanism for available services, including their functionality and input/output requirements. Services are published to allow developers to incorporate them into applications easily.

The third objective is to control the usage of the services and avoid problems in security and governance. Security in service-oriented architecture revolves heavily around individual component security within the architecture, the component's identity and authentication procedures, and securing the actual connections between the elements of the architecture.

Advantages of Service-Oriented Architecture

Service-oriented architecture comes with a range of benefits for users. Some of them are:

  • Retains procedure-call model
  • Maintains security and governance
  • Reusability
  • Easy maintenance
  • Interoperability.
  • High availability
  • Increased reliability
  • Scalability

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

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