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9 CNCF Training Courses That Will Help Develop Your Skills

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

The CNCF training courses are really useful IT professionals looking to improve skills in Kubernetes and more. Read on to know more.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) provides many training programs to IT professionals. These courses play a significant role in equipping companies and professionals with relevant knowledge and skills to adopt the necessary technology. With the rise of cloud computing, containers, and the like, cloud native technology is in high demand among industry professionals, including developers, administrators, and other tech enthusiasts.

In this context, we introduce nine popular CNCF training courses offered through the foundation. Before getting into them, let us briefly look at CNCF in general.

What is CNCF?

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) was established in 2015 with a primary objective to help advance container technology. The CNCF is a sub-foundation and part of the Linux Foundation and was announced alongside the release of Kubernetes 1.0, the cluster manager. VEXXHOST joined the CNCF as a Silver member in 2018, as we unveiled our Certified Kubernetes service to the public.

The CNCF has numerous projects under its umbrella, and they are categorized under various maturity levels in ascending order – Sandbox, Incubating, Graduated. Currently, there are 14 Graduated projects from the foundation - Containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF (The Update Framework), and Vitness.

9 CNCF Training Courses to Know

Now that you have an idea of what the Cloud Native Computing Foundation is about, here are the CNCF training courses that will come in handy for cloud professionals.

1. Introduction to Kubernetes

This edX course discusses some of Kubernetes' basic concepts and talks about the architecture of the system, the problems it solves, and the model that it uses to handle containerized deployments and scaling. The Introduction to Kubernetes course is beginner level, free to access, and is ideal for Developers and system administrators who want to get started with Kubernetes.

2. Kubernetes Fundamentals

The Kubernetes Fundamentals course will take you from zero to knowing how to deploy a containerized application and manipulate resources via the API. Professionals can learn Kubernetes architecture, deployment, how to access the cluster, Secrets and ConfigMaps, and much more through this course!

This course is ideal for developers and admins who wish to improve their Kubernetes skills. It aligns with the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam requirements from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

3. Kubernetes for Developers

The Kubernetes for Developers course is online, self-paced, and is ideal for developers looking to learn how to deploy, configure, and test their containerized applications on a multi-node Kubernetes cluster. This course will teach you how to containerize, host, deploy and configure an application in a multi-node cluster. Starting with a simple Python script, you will define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitors, and troubleshoot scalable applications in Kubernetes. Working with network plugins, security, and cloud storage, you will be exposed to many features needed to deploy an application in a production environment.

4. Kubernetes Security Essentials

The Kubernetes Security Essentials course is ideal for anyone already holding a CKA certification – a prerequisite for the Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) exam – and interested in or responsible for cloud security. This course exposes you to the knowledge and skills needed to maintain security in dynamic, multi-project environments. This course addresses security concerns for cloud production environments. It covers topics related to the security container supply chain, discussing topics from before a cluster has been configured through deployment and ongoing, and agile use, including where to find continuing security and vulnerability information.

5. Prometheus - Monitoring Systems and Services

Prometheus is a monitoring system and time series database that is especially well-suited for monitoring dynamic cloud environments. With a robust data model and query language as well as integrated alerting and service discovery support, Prometheus allows you to gain better insight into your systems and services and define more precise and meaningful alerts.

The Monitoring Systems and Services course leads new Prometheus users through its significant features, best practices, and use cases. Course participants are expected to have essential experience with Linux/Unix system administration and some development experience in Go and Python.

6. Fluentd - Cloud Native Logging

The Cloud Native Logging in Fluentd course is designed to introduce individuals with a technical background to the Fluentd log forwarding and aggregation tool for use in Cloud Native Logging and provide them with the skills necessary to deploy Fluentd in a wide range of production settings. With the growth of large-scale, distributed systems, the challenges of managing logs have become acute. It is increasingly common to have thousands of nodes and tens of thousands of services all emitting data that needs to be attributed, normalized, and aggregated, i.e., “logged.” This course is designed to introduce individuals with a technical background to the Fluentd log forwarding and aggregation tool in Cloud Native Logging. Known as the “unified logging layer,” Fluentd provides fast and efficient log transformation and enrichment, as well as aggregation and forwarding.

7. CNCF Training - Service Mesh Fundamentals

More and more applications today are adopting a microservices-style distributed architecture. As these architectures grow in complexity, new challenges arise. These include the security, resilience, and observability of these large distributed systems.

The Service Mesh Fundamentals course introduces service meshes, an emerging technology for addressing these challenges. Designed for DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers, and platform engineers adopting microservice architectures, this course will introduce the challenges of distributed systems, strategies for managing these challenges, and the architecture of service meshes.

8. Managing Kubernetes Applications with Helm

Helm is an emerging open source technology that enables packaging and running applications on Kubernetes efficiently. Helm is considered a package manager for Kubernetes, similar to “apt” or “yum” on various Linux distributions or “brew” on macOS. Using Helm, you can package, share, and install applications built and designed to run on Kubernetes. This Managing Kubernetes Applications with Helm is intended for technology professionals who have essential experience with Linux/Unix system administration and some development experience in Go and Python.

9. Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes

Learn how to build serverless functions that can run on any cloud without limits on the execution duration, languages available, or the size of your code. This edX course is designed for developers and IT operators interested in exploring new approaches for building software who prefer to set their own limits for things such as timeouts and choice of programming languages.

TheIntroduction to Serverless on Kubernetes course will give you a complete overview of how a serverless approach works in tandem with a Kubernetes cluster.

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

With the help of various CNCF training courses and more, organizations and IT professionals should focus on solutions that suit their business requirements and facilitate steady growth. As a reputed IaaS provider, we ensure that our clients get the best scalability services through our clouds. At VEXXHOST, we provide cloud solutions for a multitude of clients worldwide. We provide OpenStack-based clouds, including public clouds and dedicated and highly secure private cloud environments, ensuring utmost security and agility.

Take advantage of our limited-time deal just to set up a one-time, OpenStack-based private cloud deployment - at 50% off! The cloud will be running on the latest OpenStack release, Wallaby, which allows you to run Kubernetes and VMs in the same environment and deploy in your data centers with your hardware. Furthermore, all these will be deployed and tested in under a month!

What are you waiting for? Learn more!

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