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4 Benefits of Going Serverless

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

With all the buzz around serverless, we're diving into some of its main benefits and why it may be the architecture for you.

Serverless architecture is forecasted to gain massive traction in the years to come. According to researchers, by 2020, 20% of global enterprises will operate in serverless computing. So what is serverless that it garners such interest? Serverless is a cloud service utilized without the worry of an operating system and underlying infrastructure. The definition of serverless architecture itself is a benefit.

Serverless, known as Function-as-a-service does use servers, both physical and virtual. But since the developers do not interact with them, they have the illusion of operating without servers! Therefore, serverless does not mean the elimination of servers from distributed applications.

Why Serverless

In terms of cloud service adoption, serverless leads among all other cloud services. Serverless architecture is suitable for those building light-weight applications and are concerned about time to market. Let's have a look at what are some known advantages of going serverless.

Operation Cost

The number one reported benefit of going serverless is the reduction in operation cost. Serverless is the alternative to buying racks and racks of servers to operate a full-fledged cloud. You tend to pay for more than the actual resources used when opting for a complete cloud environment. But with serverless, payment is for per unit of resources consumed.


Your traditional cloud deployment is according to maximum usage. Also, the scalability of such a set up is not entirely customizable. Whereas, with serverless, resources added are according to current usage. Furthermore, scalability is for the exact amount as needed by your organization. Therefore, no idle cloud resources are running the background.

Business Value

Aren't we always looking to increase productivity? Be it in terms of the tool you use or the people who run those tools for you; efficiency is vital. With serverless architecture, your developers can do what they do best: code! So, the infrastructure layer is taken care of by the provider while you focus on your business' core operations. The technology is best utilized for its agility, allowing you to test and make changes in applications through a quicker turnaround.

Multi-Platform Integration

It is noteworthy that serverless technology is increasingly becoming a part of hybrid platforms. Traditional cloud deployments like a public or private cloud do provide a lot more features when building applications. But serverless is for the in-between. Decision-makers are transitioning towards a multi-platform world, making use of PaaS, containers, and serverless to maximize productivity.

OpenStack and Serverless Architecture

If you did not already know, OpenStack too supports serverless architecture. The OpenStack project Qinling provides a platform for serverless functionality. Additionally, Qinling supports container orchestration platforms and function package storage backends.

If serverless architecture is for you or not depends on your use case. There are multiple guides out there to help you get started on OpenStack serverless architecture. But with over nine years of OpenStack experience, VEXXHOST is here to walk you through everything you need. Our OpenStack Consulting service can help you determine if you should reap the benefits of serverless or go the traditional way.

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