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How Resource Pooling Works in an OpenStack Private Cloud

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Resource pooling is one of the many benefits of an OpenStack Cloud. Read more to learn how it works in a private cloud environment.

In a cloud computing context, resource pooling is a collection of resources such as cores, RAM, storage, etc., treated as a single, shared pool to achieve a sort of fail-proof flexibility. It is a way to spread the load across multiple paths, increasing the utilization rate of servers. It is seen as one of the many benefits of an OpenStack Cloud. In this blog, we examine how resource pooling works in a private cloud environment and along with various OpenStack services.

Resource Pooling in the Cloud

The major focuses of resource pooling are on a low cost, unused delivery of services, and a user-preference based resource division. For additional context, let us take an example outside a cloud scenario. Resource pooling is often used in wireless technology such as radio communication, where individual channels are pooled together to form a more robust channel, without any interference or conflict.

For clouds, pooling is most used in a multi-tenant environment, according to demands from the users. This model is particularly beneficial for Software as a Service (SaaS), which runs in a centralized manner. When different users or tenants share resources within the same cloud, the overall operational costs can drastically decrease.

In a private cloud deployment such as OpenStack, the pool is created, and computing resources are transferred over a private network. The OpenStack provider adds a range of IP addresses into the interface, and when the VM boots up, it recognizes the IPs and collects the resources in a pool.

Pooling in Conjunction with OpenStack Services

Various OpenStack Services are deployed and used when the resources are pooled in a server-cluster, and there is a need to launch a VM. These services enable the cloud to function more efficiently. When more services are needed, the provider adds another feature to the setup. OpenStack services have the advantage of reducing complexity in managing hardware requirements according to user needs. From OpenStack's identity service Keystone to its network service Neutron, everything can be enabled to aid the pooling of resources and ensure the running of an efficient private cloud.

VEXXHOST has been offering OpenStack-powered cloud solutions since 2011. With a safe and efficient deployment, our customers enjoy the various benefits of an OpenStack private cloud, including resource pooling, scalability, load balancing, and more. Contact our team to know more and check out our resource page to improve your knowledge of OpenStack private clouds.

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How Resource Pooling Works in an OpenStack Private Cloud | VEXXHOST