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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - Essentials to Know

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

As part of their digital transformation, many businesses are adopting the Industrial Internet of Things. What is IIoT? Here is an overview.

Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT has started becoming a familiar term for business professionals, especially with many digital transformation projects happening the world over. As part of the transformation, many businesses adopt technology such as IIoT to enhance their ventures and adapt to evolving marketplaces.

So, what is the Industrial Internet of Things? What are some of the essential things you should know about it? Here's A Look.

Defining Industrial Internet of Things

In simple terms, the industrial internet of things is referred to the use of technology such as smart sensors to improve industrial processes such as manufacturing. The combined use of intelligent tools and real-time analytics using the data produced by machines will provide applicable insights to businesses. These insights will not only benefit individual companies but also industries as a whole.

For industries and manufacturers, the connection of smart tools and the resultant data will also help in error reductions, improving overall efficiency, quality control, sustainability practices, supply chain management, asset tracking, predictive maintenance, and energy management.

How IIoT Works

IIoT works by forming a network of interconnected objects that can store, share, and often process data. The common elements in most Industrial Internet of Things environments are connected devices, a public or private network infrastructure (such as cloud), analytics mechanism, and centralized storage.

Many of the connected devices used in IIoT come under the purview of edge computing. The data collected and shared by these devices are transferred to the storage and analytics systems via the network. The resultant information is used to facilitate many of the industrial and manufacturing processes/benefits listed above. Depending on the industry, these functions and services vary.

Benefits of IIoT and Industries Using the Technology

Here's a brief look at a few of the overarching benefits of IIoT:

  • Predictive maintenance
  • Operational efficiency
  • Asset tracking
  • Facility management
  • Faster analytics
  • Field service
  • Improved customer satisfaction

Industries of all shapes and sizes use the Industrial Internet of Things to take advantage of the various benefits. Regardless, the major ones are:

  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Oil & gas
  • Robotics
  • Transportation
  • Fishing In conclusion, the Industrial Internet of Things is here to stay and evolve with industries and their marketplaces. Early on in the development of the technology, there were snags and complaints regarding the security of these devices. Still, those issues have mostly been addressed, and redressal mechanisms are in place for most new IIoT devices. With the evolution of 5G, connectivity sees unprecedented speeds now, and this will have a positive impact on IIoT adoption as well.

VEXXHOST Cloud to Provide Support

Enterprises using IIoT devices need to use central storage systems such as the cloud to back up and provide additional processing and storage support. At VEXXHOST, we specialize in cloud solutions. Our cloud services are based on OpenStack, making the environments free from licensing fees or vendor lock-ins. For many of our clients, private clouds are the preferred choice because of their highly scalable and secure nature.

Speaking of private clouds, you can now run on a fully agile and customized cloud from VEXXHOST, with no licensing fees and smooth 2-week migration. In fact, we're ready to put our money where our mouth is. We're so confident in being able to save you at least 20% or more on your current cloud infrastructure expenditure that if proven wrong- we'll give you $1,000 credit to our public cloud.

Excited? Find out more.

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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - Essentials to Know | VEXXHOST