A shoutout to the prestigious open source foundations VEXXHOST is part of, helping us in the journey as part of the community. Read more.

At VEXXHOST, we have been supporting the open source community for over a decade now. Our mission to offer businesses more freedom and contribute to the growth of technology is at the core of our initiatives. Mutual contributions and support drive this journey with the community, and the various open source foundations are a big part of it. Here is a shoutout to four of those prestigious foundations where VEXXHOST is a proud member.
Open Infrastructure foundation
The Open Infrastructure Foundation was initially set up in 2012 as the OpenStack Foundation with the purpose of governing OpenStack. In 2020, the foundation was renamed as Open Infrastructure Foundation to further drive the community evolution by including newer projects under its wing, with OpenStack still at the core of operations. We have covered the history and timeline in a previous blog, so we aren't going into much detail.
The foundation now has over 100,000 members in 187 countries. Team VEXXHOST is a proud partner of the Open Infrastructure Foundation as a Founding Silver Member and an infrastructure donor.
The guiding philosophy behind the operations of the foundation is the “The Four Opens” - open source, open design, open development, and open community - enabling the community to get all the benefits of all open source software (OSS) and influence its future. Apart from OpenStack, the foundation's major projects are Airship, Kata Containers, OpenInfraLabs, StarlingX, and Zuul. Furthermore, initiatives such as OpenDev, continuous integration tooling, project hosting, SuperUser, etc., are also aided by the foundation.
Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation was established in the year 2000 by merging Open Source Development Labs and the Free Standards Group to standardize Linux operating systems. The objective of the foundation is to “build sustainable ecosystems around open source projects to accelerate technology development and commercial adoption.” The foundation now has over a thousand corporate members, among which VEXXHOST is a proud Silver member.
To support and scale project communities, the organization follows a strategy called the Linux Foundation Method. It embodies:
- A neutral home to democratize code and collaboration for all projects.
- An ecosystem to curate new trends and accelerate growth to build the community.
- Turnkey technology following the OSS way to make the projects enterprise-ready.
- Streamlining operations boosting community and infrastructure management tools.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Cloud Native Computing Foundations (CNCF) was established in 2015 with a primary objective to help advance container technology. The CNCF is a sub-foundation and part of the Linux Foundation and was announced alongside the release of Kubernetes 1.0, the cluster manager. VEXXHOST joined the CNCF as a Silver member in 2018, as we unveiled our Certified Kubernetes service to the public.
The CNCF has numerous projects under its umbrella, and they are categorized under various maturity levels in ascending order - Sandbox, Incubating, Graduated. Currently, there are 14 Graduated projects from the foundation. They are:
- Containerd - container runtime
- CoreDNS - service discovery
- Envoy - network proxy
- etcd - key/value store
- Fluentd - logging
- Harbor - registry
- Helm - package management
- Jaeger - distributed tracing
- Kubernetes - orchestration
- Prometheus - monitoring
- Rook - storage
- TiKV - key/value store
- TUF (The Update Framework) - software update specification
- Vitness - storages
Ceph Foundation
The Ceph Foundation was founded in 2018 to collaborate and support the Ceph storage project. Similar to CNCF, the parent organization of the Ceph Foundation is the Linux Foundation. It was created to provide a conducive environment where industry professionals pool resources to further the development of Ceph. VEXXHOST joined the Ceph foundation in 2019 and is a general member of the community.
For those not familiar, Ceph is a storage solution designed to allow object, block, and file storages from a unified system. The project's RADODS foundation and open source nature allow it to be self-healing, self-managed, without bottlenecks, and free. The first release of Ceph was in 2012 and was called Argonaut - its the latest releases are Nautilus and Octopus. Under the guidance of the Ceph Foundation, the open source community is now working on and awaiting the newest release, Pacific.
VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions
At VEXXHOST, we are proud to associate with each of these open source foundations and contributing to the growth of the industry and technology as a whole. We provide many OpenStack-based cloud solutions with the help of projects continuously developed and updated from these communities, including dedicated and highly secure private cloud environments,
Speaking of private clouds, you can now run on a fully agile and customized cloud from VEXXHOST, with no licensing fees and smooth 2-week migration. In fact, we're ready to put our money where our mouth is. We're so confident in being able to save you at least 20% or more on your current cloud infrastructure expenditure that if proven wrong- we'll give you $1,000 credit to our public cloud.
Excited? Find out more.