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Why OpenStack Private Cloud for DevOps is the Way Forward

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

OpenStack private cloud is gaining much traction for DevOps with its flexible nature and infrastructure maximization capabilities. Read more.

OpenStack private cloud for DevOps is gaining much traction even among fierce competition. The flexible nature of the open source platform allows DevOps engineers to innovate from time to time. OpenStack also maximizes existing infrastructure and helps engineers tackle untoward incidents with ease.

Agile Development with OpenStack

OpenStack emerged and established itself as a gold standard in building private clouds, among other Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms. The open source elements of the platform allow engineers to act autonomously to provision and de-provision cloud environments. OpenStack works as a self-service mechanism with all the flexibility cloud builders need. Another advantage is that engineers being able to provision things reduces downstream bottlenecks for the operations team.

OpenStack is not just open source but also vendor-agnostic. This enables the end-user to take full advantage of competitive pricing. There is no vendor lock-in with OpenStack. The availability of a private cloud at prices comparable to public clouds works great for organizations with large-scale data needs.

Another significant feature of OpenStack private cloud, compared to a public cloud, is its ability to have more control in optimizing application performance and security. Companies with sensitive data to handle prefer OpenStack private clouds for DevOps and further use for the same reason.

Beginning the Journey with an OpenStack Private Cloud

In the initial phases, the integration of OpenStack clouds might seem like a challenge to enterprises used to traditional IT infrastructures. But, an experienced cloud provider can make this process a breeze. Once the company makes it clear what they want in their cloud for DevOps and later use, the provider takes care of the rest. The flexibility of OpenStack really comes in handy here as it allows tailoring the platform according to individual needs.

Moreover, OpenStack also comes with regular updates and releases across the board frequently. The cloud provider ensures that enterprises get these upgrades promptly so that operations run smoothly with the latest technology.

For compute, storage, and network, OpenStack is clearly one of the leaders in the game, with its flexibility and vendor-agnostic nature. The fact that developers are able to create cloud environments with high agility is invaluable for DevOps.

VEXXHOST Private Cloud for DevOps

VEXXHOST's is an established cloud provider with a decade-worth of experience in OpenStack. We build and deploy private clouds for DevOps according to varying specifications and requirements from clients worldwide. We also provide Managed Zuul, a specialized tool that can accompany DevOps cycles. Talk to our team for further assistance. Check our private cloud resources page to learn more about highly secure cloud environments.

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Why OpenStack Private Cloud for DevOps is the Way Forward | VEXXHOST