An Overview of OpenStack Barbican for Secure Key Management
December 28, 2020
A key management service like OpenStack Barbican is used in providing seamless data security and reducing client-burden. Read more.
An Eventful Year - VEXXHOST 2020 Recap
December 22, 2020
For Team VEXXHOST, it has been quite an eventful year with a lot of change, challenges, and growth. Here is the official VEXXHOST 2020 Recap.
What Is Cloud Game Streaming and How Does It Work?
December 21, 2020
Many gaming giants are now shifting to cloud game streaming, and the trend is here to stay and grow. Get to know cloud gaming a little better.
Why a Managed OpenStack Cloud Is Better For You Than Self-Managed
December 18, 2020
Managed OpenStack cloud or a self-managed cloud? For most companies, the answer is pretty simple—the first. Let us see why it is so.
How to Provide the Best Cloud Gaming Experience for Users
December 17, 2020
The arrival of private clouds in gaming, where companies have independent environments to facilitate their users better, 'changed the game.' Read more.
More about Private Cloud.
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