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Join us at the Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai!

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

As active users and contributors to OpenStack and its projects, VEXXHOST is excited to be attending the Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai this year!

With October coming to a close, it is almost time for the Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai! This open-source event is being put together by the OpenStack Foundation between 4th - 6th November, and as avid users and contributors to the OpenStack project, we couldn't be more excited!

The Summit is spread over three days with keynotes, presentations and discussion forums organized for all attendees. During the keynotes the Superuser Award is going to be handed over. The nominees for the award include Baidu Inc ABC Cloud Group & Edge Security Team, Fortnebula Cloud, InCloud OpenStack, Information Management Department of Wuxi Metro and Rakuten Mobile.

On day one, our CEO, Mohammed Naser is part of a discussion on coming up with a viable billing solution for OpenStack deployment. In this is discussion, he will be accompanying Tobias Rydberg, a senior software developer at City Network Hosting AB. The aim of this discussion is to come up with an architecture that is sustainable yet scalable. Be sure to attend this interactive session and share your thoughts if you are interested in any of the following fields, Ceilometer, CloudKitty, Monasca, OpenStack, Arch / Ops. The talk will take place at 10:50 am on the 4th floor in room 431 of the Shanghai Expo Center. Get more details about the Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai 2019.

Day one comes to a close with the Community Contributor Awards and we are so happy to see the OpenStack Foundation grow with every summit.

Join us at the Open Infrastructure Summit in Shanghai!

Other talks and presentations to look out for if you are a DevOps enthusiast or are involved in the workings of CI/CD pipelines are as follows:

On the morning of day two, there is a discussion on Zuul Operations, sharing the new changes that have been made in the tool and go over the use of different subsets of features. This has been organized with the aim to improve the tool through better documentation and bug fixes.

This is followed by a presentation on a case study put together bu EasyStack which talks about Zuul on Kubernetes.

Finally, if you are looking to explore different CI/CD tools, do not miss this presentation on day three! Presented by Szymon Datko of the OVH Group and Roman Dobosz of RedHat, the talk is about the features and functions of Zuul. They go on to compare it to other popular tools in the market and will further guide you through a sample installation of the tool itself!

If you are already familiar with Zuul or are looking for a hosted solution, check out our Managed Zuul page and get in touch if you have any questions.

The event comes to a close with a final presentation covering project updates. Go see what's new in the latest release, and what has been planned for the project in the upcoming release!

We here at VEXXHOST are really excited about the upcoming Open Infra Summit and we hope to see you there and interact over the incredible open-source community.

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