Your business needs to maintain cloud agility to stay relevant in a rapidly changing technological landscape.
Your business needs to maintain cloud agility to stay relevant in a rapidly changing technological landscape. If you're looking to maintain agile development it is important to check in with your DevOps team. DevOps is all about automating and improving the value of your cloud solution. From the process of building, constructing, and moving features through development into production- your DevOps team is there to support your business. They're there to help unlock hidden potential and create an agile cloud solution to support your business.
We're here to highlight the four steps that your DevOps team can take for optimal cloud agility. From using automation to your full advantage of keeping a quality-first approach, we're here to dive straight into what your business needs to know to thrive.
Step One: Find Your Bottlenecks
One of the best ways to ramp up the agility of your cloud is to review your pipeline to see where code is getting stuck. Finding these bottlenecks can help clear out the pipeline to make room for better speed and efficiency. Implementing improvements to the pipeline such as automation can help tackle your biggest hold-ups.
Step Two: Automation Is Key
If your business wants to have an agile cloud solution then it is time to embrace automation. Automated testing can be a complete game-changer for your DevOps team. It allows your cloud infrastructure to move faster without any risks of going too fast. Taking the time to commit to automation can reap benefits for your company now and down the line.
Step Three: Think Of Quality
It's been said enough times to be ingrained within everyone's memory but quality before quantity is an integral part of cloud agility. By taking the time to focus on improving internal processes then your cloud deployments are of better quality. When the DevOps team implements code with agility and accuracy there are fewer reasons to fix bugs down the line. Thus saving everyone time in the long run.

Step Four: Keep An Eye On Metrics
Metrics and KPIs are can help improve productivity and agility for a business. When it comes to agility its time to ask how long does it take to get something to your users? Keep a close eye on metrics like lead time, deployment frequency, and recovery time.
Lead Time
Lead time is how long it takes for your DevOps team to write their first line of code until the full deployment. The more you reduce this time the more agile your cloud will be overall. It's not only about how fast you write code but how fast the end-user can access it.
Deployment Frequency
When you have a DevOps team that is experienced and reliable then the faster your deployment frequency will be. The stronger your pipeline, the more small batches of reliable code will come through them.
Mean Time To Recover
There is no way around it, failures can happen. The best way to handle failures is to detect them and recover from them as fast as possible. Whether it is a server that has gone down or worse, your DevOps team needs to be on their toes to recover with agility.
Need a hand in improving the agility of your cloud infrastructure? Trust the experts at VEXXHOST to guide you through the process every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more.