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Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud - A Comparison

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud - which is better? Are there any significant differences between both models? Read on to know more.

Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud - which is better? Are there any significant differences between both models? These are questions that have bogged many down from the advent of these technological solutions.

For new cloud adopters, the fast growth of cloud technologies is particularly overwhelming. Tech with similar-sounding terminologies such as multi-cloud and the hybrid cloud can add to the confusion. Both architectures have their own distinct characteristics and purpose. In this context, here is a how-to differentiate both and some tips on selecting the ideal solution for your business.

What is a Multi-Cloud Strategy?

A multi-cloud strategy involves two or more cloud computing platforms or providers handling various business-related tasks. Such an approach can be extensive and complex depending on the number of clouds within and how a business uses each cloud resource or service. Why do businesses need it? Well, because multi-cloud strategy comes with various benefits - such as:

  • Reducing local infrastructure
  • Leveraging targeted services
  • Better cost management
  • Improving compliance
  • Providing better resilience

Organizations with a multi-cloud environment also face some new risks and challenges such as:

  • Complex security
  • Network security issues
  • Provider disruption
  • Regulatory problems

Enterprises with a multi-cloud approach must understand the configurations of the resources and services it uses, and monitor its performance using the tools at their disposal.

What is a Hybrid Cloud Strategy?

A hybrid cloud strategy combines private cloud or on-premises infrastructures, or both, with a public cloud environment, creating a single cloud environment that can provide the best benefits of both.

An enterprise creates private clouds to support self-service resource provisioning and also connects it to a public cloud to gain additional resources or use specialized services.

There are two popular approaches to establishing a uniform hybrid cloud infrastructure - heterogeneous and homogeneous.

In heterogeneous hybrid clouds, a private cloud stack is built using platforms such as OpenStack that are capable of integrating with public clouds. For homogeneous hybrid clouds, the approach is to use specialized appliances that are designed to integrate with the desired public cloud.

Organizations may add a hybrid cloud strategy to harness a variety of benefits, including:

  • Cost management
  • Better security and compliance
  • Business agility
  • Scalability

Along with these compelling benefits, there are also various challenges to consider, such as

  • Lack of capability
  • Additional costs
  • Integration issues
  • Network disruption

Comparing Multi-Cloud vs. Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategies differ in their aim and infrastructure. They have several similarities and differences among them. The similarities include:

  • Bith can provide flexibility and redundancy to users
  • Both enable businesses to deploy highly customized infrastructures
  • Both facilitate capital investment transitions into operational expenses.

Now, here are the key differences;

  • Hybrid clouds include public and private clouds, whereas multi-clouds only involve public clouds
  • Hybrid clouds connect private and public clouds to establish a single environment; multi-clouds do not come with such interoperability capabilities.

Given these similarities and differences, both strategies are seen as separate approaches with distinct purposes. However, hybrid they can coexist.

With regard to which one is a better solution, there is no right answer. Always choose the solution depending on specific business needs and goals. Understand the workings and challenges that each cloud option presents and then reach a decision.

VEXXHOST Cloud Solutions

As a reputed IaaS provider, we ensure that our clients get the best hybrid or multi-cloud services through our clouds. At VEXXHOST, we provide cloud solutions for a multitude of clients worldwide. We provide OpenStack-based clouds, including public clouds and dedicated and highly secure private cloud environments, ensuring utmost security and agility.

Take advantage of our limited-time deal just to set up a one-time, OpenStack-based private cloud deployment - at 50% off! The cloud will be running on the latest OpenStack release, Wallaby, which allows you to run Kubernetes and VMs in the same environment, and can be deployed in your own data centers with your hardware. Furthermore, all these will be deployed and tested in under a month!

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Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud - A Comparison | VEXXHOST