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Where is the Cloud Headed? Future Trends and Vision

Mohammed NaserMohammed Naser

Let's take a look at what the future holds for cloud computing and how we can gear up for more technological advancements in the coming decade.

Where is the Cloud Headed? Future Trends and Vision

There was a time when cloud computing was s futuristic concept, and here we are looking into the future of the technology itself. Cloud computing is carving its path out in enterprises of the future. New and old businesses alike are utilizing cloud computing regularly.

We took some time to review surveys and research conducted by other members of the industry to arrive at some of the most anticipated trends in cloud computing. The next ten years are going to be transformational for cloud providers and users. Let's time travel!

Containerization Next Year

The coming year, 2021, is significant for containerization. Survey research predicts that containerized workloads are to grow by 46% in the public cloud. Containers are a way to future-proof businesses. They ensure that your IT team can build, deploy and manage applications in any cloud environment they like. Therefore, through the ease of multi-cloud usage, containers provide the security of not keeping all your eggs in one basket!

Cloud Computing Five Years From Now

As trendy as cloud computing is, it makes it vital to look into upcoming trends as well. The global cloud computing market is all set to gain massive value by the year 2025. Estimations are that the market size would be valued approximately at $623.3 billion that year! Data generated is expected to quintuple by 2025, consequently, all that data will rise to the cloud. A major driving force in the growth of the cloud market will be cost-effectiveness.

Satellite Sector Grows With Cloud Computing

The satellite sector will feel the impact of cloud computing in the next ten years. According to reports, cloud computing by satellite is to drive 52 exabytes of traffic by 2029. In case you were wondering, 1 exabyte is 1000000 terabytes!

Cloud Computing Transforming Business Operations

As you can see from the above trends, that cloud is taking us all by storm. This pattern will continue for the coming decade, and we could not be more excited. Business strategies take a shift with cloud computing. It becomes easier to focus on core operations with the agility and security of a cloud environment.

Survey respondents from mid-size businesses claim that 77% of them would take to cloud computing for a significant chunk of their IT needs by 2029.

Cloud Edge Computing Is The Future

Cloud computing is what keeps old businesses relevant. With its wide range of services, it has the power to revive dying business holdings and improve the performance of existing ones. Along with cloud computing, edge computing is also becoming a trendsetter.

Cloud edge computing promises a bright future for all of us. The amalgamation of the two technologies, cloud and edge computing, brings numerous benefits to one and all. Globally among mid-market and large companies, edge computing will handle cloud operations for 66% of them by 2029.

Edge computing is gaining this attention because it provides services like faster implementation and responses, real-time predictions and seamless customer experience. Moreover, having devices closer to the end-user of cloud services increases the reliability and availability of the service.

Get On The Cloud Wagon

Do not miss out on cloud services at a time so crucial to the growth and development of your business. The future of cloud computing is for all businesses and enterprises alike. We at VEXXHOST provide both OpenStack based public and private cloud services. You have the option to choose the most suitable cloud for your company and start reaping benefits immediately.

Our Openstack Consultants can help you determine the right cloud setup for you and even assist you with the functioning of a pre-existing OpenStack cloud. Get in touch with us to get started on your cloud journey.

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